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Image Copyright: Sebastian Sch�fer

Ahlbershausen has hardly any farmers or unemployed people, which is surprising for such a small village. One won't find any full-time farmers; there are just 5 small part-time farms. At the ecological chicken farm Galina thousands of eggs are being laid day after day and sold at regional markets. There is a small joinery and one independent journalist who works nationwide. Otherwise money is being earned outside the village in industry and trade. Some villagers work in the clinics in Göttinger or the nearby rehabilitation centre Lippoldsberg. In the past there was also a brickyard here.

Image Copyright: Wikipedia


Ahlbershausen has a small half-timbered chapel, which was constructed in 1893. The plain buildings shows with the brick infills of the half-timber layers, the pointed windows and the in part storey-high, in parts medium partitions in-set Andreas cross distinct style elements of the times when the chapel was built. Altogether it does tie altogether clearly the traditions of numerous half-timbered chapels of the 18th and early 19th-century in the Uslar area. The chapel is used by the village's Protestant Christians as church service place.

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